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Welcome to Section X

Greetings, wherever you are.

I’m Benjamin and I’m the author of The Evan Boyd Adventures. The first book is coming soon, and if you like page-flipping action, and characters that come alive off the page… I think you’re going to love jumping into the world of Boyd and Section X.

Operation Hurricane is a mixture of all the films and books I’ve always loved. It’s bursting with all the action, danger and thrills you’d expect from a trip to the cinema. But at its heart is the journey of a teenager, having to deal with learning who he is, when everyone else seems to have an opinion on who they want him to be; something I remember well from growing up.

I lost my dad when I was fifteen years old and it changed everything about my life. I felt like suddenly I wasn’t a kid anymore - I didn’t want to be - but I also wasn’t ready to have all the hassle and responsibility of being an adult.

Boyd has to do battle with similar challenges in his life, but he has to do it whilst fighting bad dudes on top of trams and jumping off the London Eye, which is a little bit more exciting than my life ever got!

I didn’t want to create a character who was just like every other action hero or spy - I wanted Boyd to have flaws, to face up to them and be forced to make tough choices that affect not only himself but others too.

Operation Hurricane is just the beginning. We’ll be going on this journey with Boyd as he discovers who he is and, more importantly, who he can trust.

The next blog is a chance for you to get a closer look at who Boyd is when his journey begins - you might recognise him in yourself or someone you know.

Welcome to Section X! Strap yourselves in - it’s going to be an incredible ride!


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